Appellation: HVE (High Environmental Value)

The HVE certified wines from our Bordeaux Tradition Portfolio.

Be careful, as relay of the estates with which we work, the SARL Bordeaux Tradition can not be held responsible for an erroneous information concerning this non-exhaustive list of certified HVE property. Indeed, the modifications to obtain these certifications are manual and can not be updated in real time by our teams. It is therefore the responsibility of the buyer to verify the accuracy of the product he buys at the time of his order.

Château Reynon (White)

Château Reynon, in Béguey, in the Premières Côtes de Bordeaux, was bought in 1958 by Florence Dubourdieu’s father, Jacques David; his daughter and son-in-law Denis Dubourdieu, succeeded him in 1976. Thanks to their efforts, Château Reynon is today one of...

Château Bellefont-Belcier

History Château Bellefont was built at the end of the 18th century by the Count of Belcier. The name Bellefont could come from the “beautiful fountains” that existed around the Castle. Historically, the Château belonged to the Faure family, well...

Château Poesia

The history of Château Poesia is marked by its acquisition by Hélène Garcin and Patrice Leveque in 2014. Previously Château Poesia was known as Château Haut Villet. His name “Poesia” comes from the other estates – located in Argentina –...

Château Marjosse White

After he has managing Château Clos Fourtet, 1st Grand Cru Classé of Saint-Emilion, at the age of 23, Pierre Lurton became General Manager of Chateau Cheval Blanc, 1st Grand Cru Classé A of St-Emilion, at the age of 34. In 2004,...

Folie de Chauvin

The history of Château Chauvin began in 1852 during the division of the great stronghold of Corbin, giving birth to multiple properties, including Chauvin which was then acquired by Jean Fourcaud-Laussac. The latter, who had just offered what would become the...

Château Chauvin

The history of Château Chauvin began in 1852 during the division of the great stronghold of Corbin, giving birth to multiple properties, including Chauvin which was then acquired by Jean Fourcaud-Laussac. The latter, who had just offered what would become...

Petit Soutard

The history of Château Soutard brings back to 16th century. The first evidence of Soutard dates back to 1513 with the mention of Bourdieu (a Gascon estate surrounding a farm and a windmill) of Mayne de Soutard. Jean Couture, a Saint-Emilion...

Y d’Yquem

History For more than 35 years, Count A. de Lur-Saluces perpetuated the family history at the head of the Château d’Yquem with one philosophy: to offer without concession any, an optimal quality, for each vintage signed. By his action, he...

Château Barde Haut

History Château Barde-Haut has been owned by Sylviane Garcin-Cathiard for eighteen years, and also owns Clos l’Eglise in Pomerol, Château Haut-Bergey and Château Poesia in Saint Emilion and Bodega Poesia in Argentina. After its purchase by the vineyards Garcin, the...

Château Soutard

The history of Château Soutard goes back five centuries. The first reference of Soutard appear in 1513 with the mention of Bourdieu de Mayne de Soutard. Jean Couture, Jurat of Saint-Emilion, buys the estate in 1699 and his daughter Marie...

Château Lynch Bages

The history of the Bages estate dates back to the very old village of Bages, which sheltered generations of wine growers. The land of Bages is mentioned since the 16th century on the land of Lafite. Formerly owned by the...

Château Haut-Brion (White)

History The history of Château Haut-Brion refers to the Gascon toponym “Haut Brion” which designates the gravelly terrace located between the streams of the Peugue and the Serpent. Jean de Pontac (1488-1589) bought the noble house of Haut-Brion, giving birth...